Saturday, August 2, 2008

Chattanooga Here we Come !

Wow, these past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Jason received a job offer in Chattanooga and accepted. We put our home for sale and headed to Chattanooga to house hunt. The kids only stipulation on the new house is that it should have stairs. Ha! We have found a house we really like and it does have plenty of stairs. Please agree with us in prayer that our home in Alabama sells quickly.

Our adoption is still on track our homestudy is officially approved and we are still waiting for our CIS Fingerprinting appointment in Birmingham. I have also started to apply for grants.

I will try and keep the blog updated as often as I can. Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to Gulf Shores.


Heather said...

Those pictures are beautiful! I love the one of the kids walking hand in hand. So cute! Hope everything's going well.

Keisha said...

Oh wow!! Congrats on the move and new job!!
Great Pictures!!
We haven't made it to the beach yet!!!..soon I hope!