Friday, September 26, 2008

Finally Settled

We are finally getting settled here in Chattanooga. God is so good. The kids have made great friends who live across the street from us. All our neighbors are just great.

The kids are getting adjusted to school and seem to be enjoying it. There is a trail from our neighborhood to the school , so we have been taking the trail to school as often as we can.

Ashton has started playing upward football and I am signing Analiese up for swimming lessons in a few weeks. She is a little fish. I think she may have found her thing, we have tried gymnastics, ballet and wasn't really interested. Audralyn is a little lost when the kids are at school. She follows me around the house all day long. We are enjoying our morning walks together around the neighborhood. We were in Alabama she was completely potty trained, now that we are here in the new house she has been having a lot of accidents. I think it could be do to the big change in our lives. who knows!

I am really enjoying Jason's shift He is home so much more with us. Last week we ate with the kids at school and he is with us most times when we drop them off and pick them up from school. They love to be with their Daddy.

Our adoption process is SLOWLY moving forward. We are having a agency here come out and do a update on our homestudy to meet the Tennessee requirements. I have sent about 8 applications for adoption grants and waiting to here from those.

Now that we are settled I am hoping to blog more about our lives in general so family and friends can keep up with what The Baggett Family is up to .
Here are a few pictures of the kids first day of school


Eddie said...

Hey Guys...this is the Damrons. Glad you have settled in, and hope you're doing well. Trying to send an email to you, but cant find your address. Go to our Blog, and you'll see a link to contact us. Please send us your email address. Thanks...

Karen said...

Jason and Adelle,
I am so glad that things are going well for you. You have such a beautiful family. You are in my heart and prayers.

I have taken a new job also (Nashville). I also needed a new direction.

Keep in touch.