Friday, October 24, 2008

Jason's Update

I have not written a blog post in a while. I am settled in my job now and I am really enjoying the shift rotation we work. I went through that three week stage where I wondered if I did the right thing, but I am over that now. I really enjoy the job. I will take my NERC exam in December for system operator certification, so I am a little nervous about that. Adelle and I are slowly and steadily proceeding with our adoption process and God is dealing with us as we move along. It’s amazing how we think we have the answers and have things together and God puts His finger on something and you realize you were way off in left field. We are coming to a sobering realization that if we are to walk in our destiny, we must become less so that He can become more. There is integrity in realness and sincerity and that’s how we want to strive to live our lives. So many times we find ourselves in a constant run to make hockey practice, swimming lessons, or all the other things we are involved in. Adelle said to me the other night, “Sometimes I fell like we are running to do all these things and just playing Christian.” She is right! So many times we fail to slow down and just spend some time with God. Obedience starts with small things. We realize that the things we think are just us are in actuality the Holy Spirit speaking to us and we need to slow down and listen…….and obey. My wife is a woman of God and I am blessed to have her. For some time now I have felt led to write a book. I have a rough draft complete and hope to have it completed by father’s day. I will have it available through this blog for those who are interested. All proceeds will go to financially support our adoption. I would like to say thank you to all of our family and friends. You are such an important part of our lives. It is an honor to open up and let you be a part of our lives. May the Lord bless you this weekend and as Alabama plays Tennessee Saturday I would like to say……..Roll Tide!!!

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